Lyra Seamless Travel
Reader requirements
To understand the article you must be already familiar with the network framework in Unreal Engine, and understand what world travelling is. If you aren’t really familiar with seamless travel, I recommend reading Wizard Cell’s Persistent Data Compendium first as it explains many crucial pieces of the feature.
Seamless travel works in Lyra out of the box, however you’ll encounter many issues with the initialization phase.
Things like Player Controller
) and Player State
) may be initialized with the game features present in
the current Lyra experience before the initialization data has been provided by some source after the seamless travel,
which is sometimes unacceptable.
I’ll be describing superficially how I load the inventory in my personal project, which is completely P2P, and what issues I’ve encountered using seamless travel. The solution I’ve found may work for other things as well, but there may be other cases unlike mine, which may not require the game server to provide the loading data, but some external server such as Azure or PlayFab.
The struct that I use to load inventory data from is called FMTD_InventorySave
, and the inventory manager is called
. On UMTD_InventoryManagerComponent::InitializeComponent()
it gets the
saved on my AMTD_PlayerController
, and dispatches the struct.
Seems simple enough, however the question is where do I get the FMTD_InventorySave
from. When the player joins the
world for the first time I do different things depending on the player net mode. If the joining player is the host,
the inventory save is read from the save file, while the clients send it in JSON format through connection options
The problem
The problem is that the game server must remember and update that data throughout the game sessions. The difficult part is to keep that data throughout seamless travels without asking client players to re-send it.
People familiar with the seamless travel perhaps are wondering why it may be difficult if we have
and APlayerState::CopyProperties()
which can be used to pass data from the
or PS
existed in the world we’re travelling from to the counterparts of the one we’re travelling to. It could’ve
look like this:
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelTo(APlayerController* NewPlayerController)
auto* NewMtdPlayerController = CastChecked<ThisClass>(NewPlayerController);
NewMtdPlayerController->PlayerInventory = PlayerInventory;
Seems reasonable, but here’s a problem: the two functions are called after the PC
and PS
requests to add
them as game framework component receivers. In fact, that is requested from
and AModularPlayerController::PreInitializeComponents()
(note that
the Modular PC
and PS
versions are base classes for Lyra PC
and PS
void AModularPlayerState::PreInitializeComponents()
void AModularPlayerController::PreInitializeComponents()
The APlayerController::SeamlessTravelTo()
and APlayerState::CopyProperties()
are called from
void AGameModeBase::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer(AController*&)
void AGameModeBase::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer(AController*& C)
// Default behavior is to spawn new controllers and copy data
APlayerController* PC = Cast<APlayerController>(C);
if (PC && PC->Player)
// We need to spawn a new PlayerController to replace the old one
UClass* PCClassToSpawn = GetPlayerControllerClassToSpawnForSeamlessTravel(PC);
const APlayerController* NewPC = SpawnPlayerControllerCommon(
PC->IsLocalPlayerController() ? ROLE_SimulatedProxy : ROLE_AutonomousProxy,
PC->GetFocalLocation(), PC->GetControlRotation(), PCClassToSpawn);
if (NewPC)
SwapPlayerControllers(PC, NewPC)
PC = NewPC;
C = NewPC;
// Hid unrelated code...
// Hid unrelated code...
So you can see that it calls AGameModeBase::SpawnPlayerControllerCommon()
, which spawns and initializes the PC
which also calls the void AModularPlayerController::PreInitializeComponents()
, and the controller also creates the
, which calls the void AModularPlayerController::PreInitializeComponents()
as well. Only after all that
initialization has been executed, it calls the SeamlessTravelTo()
and SeamlessTravelFrom()
using the old and new
s, which are supposed to pass the data that should persist throughout multiple sessions. However we already have
been registered as game features receiver, which may lead to creating the inventory component (and other
components), that is awaiting for the inventory to load, which still has to be passed in the future
Attentive reader could’ve notice that I’ve saying that it may lead to creating the inventory manager component, so it means that there are cases when it doesn’t and when it does. Let’s take a look…
In Lyra we list our game features in the ULyraExperienceDefinition
, however it takes time to load the primary asset,
hence there will be some delay before we’d tell the framework the game features we want to enable. That’s the case when
we may not receive our game features as soon as the PreInitializeComponents()
is executed. So it means that in
certain cases it’s fine to use the SeamlessTravelTo()
and SeamlessTravelFrom()
to pass the persistent data between
s and PC
But what are the cases the PreInitializeComponents()
does lead to immediate application of the game features on
the newly registered receiver? That’s when the experience is already loaded, and the game is running, so that’s
when clients connect to the existing server, where players are already enjoying the loaded experience.
Exception illustration
So there’s this little exception where the problem doesn’t exist. So, let’s take a look at the following scenario:
A listen server with 1 client tries to seamlessly travel to a new map.
Listen server-side user loads into the map, the AGameModeBase::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer()
is executed, creating a
copy of the PC
and PS
for that user and registering them as game feature receivers, executes SeamlessTravelTo()
and SeamlessTravelFrom()
passing the persistent information, and after some time the experience loads granting
all the game features to our PC
and PS
, which leads into creating the inventory, which does have the
passed in the SeamlessTravelTo()
, and it can easily load the persistent inventory. Everything’s
Client user loads into the map some time later, after the experience is loaded, and does the exact same thing, but
after they register the PC
and PS
as game feature receivers, they would immediately get the inventory and other
components, before even running the SeamlessTravelTo()
and SeamlessTravelFrom()
Original pseudo stack trace
To illustrate this sequence I’ve written this pseudo stack trace:
AModularPlayerController::PreInitializeComponents() -> UGameFrameworkComponentManager::AddGameFrameworkComponentReceiver()
// Possible PC game features creation!
APlayerState::PreInitializeComponents() -> UGameFrameworkComponentManager::AddGameFrameworkComponentReceiver()
// Possible PS game features creation!
Hopefully I’ve explained the initialization problem as clear as possible.
After realising the problem, it’s important to think what we have to do to fix it.
I like the original engine approach to pass the persistent data, so I followed that making a few modifications to how
the PC
and PS
are created, creating more room for custom initialization prior to registering PC
and PS
as game
feature receivers.
Original player controller initialization
Firstly we need to know what the two actors are spawned from. From the previous
explanation we could’ve seen the function that creates the PC
APlayerController* AGameModeBase::SpawnPlayerControllerCommon(ENetRole InRemoteRole, FVector const& SpawnLocation, FRotator const& SpawnRotation, TSubclassOf<APlayerController> InPlayerControllerClass)
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
SpawnInfo.Instigator = GetInstigator();
SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags |= RF_Transient; // We never want to save player controllers into a map
SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true;
APlayerController* NewPC = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<APlayerController>(InPlayerControllerClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo);
if (NewPC)
if (InRemoteRole == ROLE_SimulatedProxy)
// This is a local player because it has no authority/autonomous remote role
UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(NewPC, FTransform(SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation));
return NewPC;
Note that the AActor::PreInitializeComponents()
is only executed after the actor finishes spawning, so as for
the PC
we have the required initialization space between SpawnActor()
and UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor()
Original player state initialization
Now let’s find the function the PS
is created from. It was already mentioned that it is the controller that creates
the PS
, so by navigating the the AController
we can find the void AController::InitPlayerState()
which looks the
void AController::InitPlayerState()
if ( GetNetMode() != NM_Client )
UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
const AGameModeBase* GameMode = World ? World->GetAuthGameMode() : NULL;
// If the GameMode is null, this might be a network client that's trying to
// record a replay. Try to use the default game mode in this case so that
// we can still spawn a PlayerState.
if (GameMode == NULL)
const AGameStateBase* const GameState = World ? World->GetGameState() : NULL;
GameMode = GameState ? GameState->GetDefaultGameMode() : NULL;
if (GameMode != NULL)
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
SpawnInfo.Owner = this;
SpawnInfo.Instigator = GetInstigator();
SpawnInfo.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags |= RF_Transient; // We never want player states to save into a map
TSubclassOf<APlayerState> PlayerStateClassToSpawn = GameMode->PlayerStateClass;
if (PlayerStateClassToSpawn.Get() == nullptr)
UE_LOG(LogPlayerController, Log, TEXT("AController::InitPlayerState: the PlayerStateClass of game mode %s is null, falling back to APlayerState."), *GameMode->GetName());
PlayerStateClassToSpawn = APlayerState::StaticClass();
PlayerState = World->SpawnActor<APlayerState>(PlayerStateClassToSpawn, SpawnInfo);
// force a default player name if necessary
if (PlayerState && PlayerState->GetPlayerName().IsEmpty())
// don't call SetPlayerName() as that will broadcast entry messages but the GameMode hasn't had a chance
// to potentially apply a player/bot name yet
Custom player controller seamless travel
Unlike PC
the PS
is not spawned as deferred, hence we would need to do it ourselves. The modified methods will
be shown a bit later. Now we have take a look at the modified void AGameModeBase::HandlesSeamlessTravelPlayer()
in our
custom game mode called AMTD_GameMode
void AMTD_GameMode::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer(AController*& OldController)
// Don't call default implementation. We want to dispatch the seamless data a bit earlier
// Super::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer(OldController);
// Default behavior is to spawn new controllers and copy data
auto* OldPlayerController = Cast<APlayerController>(OldController);
if (OldPlayerController && OldPlayerController->Player)
SeamlesslyTravellingController = &OldPlayerController;
const bool bIsLocalController = OldPlayerController->IsLocalPlayerController();
const ENetRole NewRemoteRole = bIsLocalController ? ROLE_SimulatedProxy : ROLE_AutonomousProxy;
const FVector SpawnLocation = OldPlayerController->GetFocalLocation();
const FRotator ControlRotation = OldPlayerController->GetControlRotation();
const TSubclassOf<APlayerController> PlayerControllerClassToSpawn =
// We need to spawn a new PlayerController to replace the old one
SpawnPlayerControllerCommon(NewRemoteRole, SpawnLocation, ControlRotation, PlayerControllerClassToSpawn);
// We assign the new controller to SeamlesslyTravellingController which points at the OldPlayerController,
// though the OldController is both an input and output parameter, hence we should modify it as well
OldController = OldPlayerController;
SeamlesslyTravellingController = nullptr;
// Initialize hud and other player details, shared with PostLogin
if (OldPlayerController)
// This may spawn the player pawn if the game is in progress
The difference between the two methods are that we don’t call the SeamlessTravelTo()
, SeamlessTravelFrom()
any such functions, as well as don’t swap the input argument (note that the function argument is a reference to a
pointer, hence if we’ll modify it, the function client will get the change).
The SeamlessTravel
functions are called from other places which take place before the PC
and PS
finish spawning.
The AMTD_GameMode::SeamlesslyTravellingController
is a APlayerController**
. We need to have the ability to modify
the original argument as it’s done in the original function AGameModeBase::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer()
. Not doing so
can easily break something.
Custom player controller initialization
Now let’s take a look at the new PC
APlayerController* AMTD_GameMode::SpawnPlayerControllerCommon(ENetRole InRemoteRole, const FVector& SpawnLocation, const FRotator& SpawnRotation, TSubclassOf<APlayerController> InPlayerControllerClass)
// Don't use default implementation
// return Super::SpawnPlayerControllerCommon(InRemoteRole, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, InPlayerControllerClass);
UWorld* World = GetWorld();
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
SpawnInfo.Instigator = GetInstigator();
SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags |= RF_Transient; // We never want to save player controllers into a map
SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true;
auto* Controller = World->SpawnActor<AMTD_PlayerController>(InPlayerControllerClass, SpawnLocation, SpawnRotation, SpawnInfo);
if (InRemoteRole == ROLE_SimulatedProxy)
// This is a local player because it has no authority/autonomous remote role
const bool bIsSeamlesslyTravelling = !!SeamlesslyTravellingController;
if (bIsSeamlesslyTravelling)
Controller->OnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferredDelegate.AddUObject(this, &ThisClass::OnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferred_OnSeamlessTravel);
auto* OldController = CastChecked<AMTD_PlayerController>(*SeamlesslyTravellingController);
auto* NewController = Controller;
// This will make the PC receive game features and spawn the PS
UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(Controller, FTransform(SpawnRotation, SpawnLocation));
return Controller;
The method is almost the same as it was, but rewritten to be more readable, and with a final if
statement that handles
the custom SeamlessTravelTo()
and SeamlessTravelFrom()
, and the PS
related code.
In here we make use of the SeamlesslyTravellingController
to determine whether the new PC
is spawned because we’re
seamlessly travelling or not. If it is, then we run some custom seamless travel initialization.
Custom seamless travel to/from functions
The AMTD_PlayerController
has 4 new methods for that initialization:
void SeamlessTravelTo_PlayerControllerDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* NewPlayerController);
void SeamlessTravelFrom_PlayerControllerDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* OldPlayerController);
void SeamlessTravelTo_PlayerStateDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* NewPlayerController);
void SeamlessTravelFrom_PlayerStateDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* OldPlayerController);
The OnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferredDelegate
is a custom delegated with the following declaration:
AMTD_PlayerController* PlayerController,
AMTD_PlayerState* PlayerState);
So, inside the SeamlessTravelTo_PlayerControllerDeferred()
and SeamlessTravelFrom_PlayerControllerDeferred()
you can
pass the data from the old PC
to the new one that you want to keep in the new game session. In my case it looks the
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelTo_PlayerControllerDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* NewPlayerController)
// Copy persistent player controller data
NewPlayerController->PlayerInventory = PlayerInventory;
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelFrom_PlayerControllerDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* OldPlayerController)
// Empty
Custom player state initialization
Now let’s see the new PS
void AMTD_PlayerController::InitPlayerState()
// Don't use default implementation. We want to do some custom logic between starting and finishing player state spawning
// Super::InitPlayerState();
const ENetMode NetMode = GetNetMode();
if (NetMode == NM_Client)
UWorld* World = GetWorld();
const AGameModeBase* GameMode = World->GetAuthGameMode();
// If the GameMode is null, this might be a network client that's trying to record a replay. Try to use the
// default game mode in this case so that we can still spawn a PlayerState.
if (!IsValid(GameMode))
const AGameStateBase* GameState = World ? World->GetGameState() : nullptr;
GameMode = GameState ? GameState->GetDefaultGameMode() : nullptr;
if (!IsValid(GameMode))
TSubclassOf<APlayerState> PlayerStateClassToSpawn = GameMode->PlayerStateClass;
if (!ensure(PlayerStateClassToSpawn.Get()))
PlayerStateClassToSpawn = AMTD_PlayerState::StaticClass();
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnInfo;
SpawnInfo.Owner = this;
SpawnInfo.Instigator = GetInstigator();
SpawnInfo.SpawnCollisionHandlingOverride = ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn;
SpawnInfo.ObjectFlags |= RF_Transient; // We never want to save player controllers into a map
SpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true;
auto* CastedPlayerState = World->SpawnActor<AMTD_PlayerState>(PlayerStateClassToSpawn, SpawnInfo);
PlayerState = CastedPlayerState;
// Listened by the GM when seamlessly travelling
OnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferredDelegate.Broadcast(this, CastedPlayerState);
// This will make the PS receive game features
UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(PlayerState, FTransform::Identity);
// Force a default player name if necessary
if (IsValid(PlayerState) && PlayerState->GetPlayerName().IsEmpty())
// Don't call SetPlayerName() as that will broadcast entry messages but the GameMode hasn't had a chance
// to potentially apply a player/bot name yet
The method became way bigger than the original one because I tend to rewrite things in the easiest way to debug as possible. However in here we’re interested in 2 main things:
is spawned deferred (noteSpawnInfo.bDeferConstruction = true
), then we broadcast theOnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferredDelegate
event, and then finish spawning the actor. The delegate declaration was already shown in thePC
creation description. -
We call
ourselves since we don’t use parent implementation of the method. The function is private, hence you have to modify Lyra and make it protected.
So the main difference is that we spawn the PS
deferred and broadcast an event between the spawn and finish spawning.
Finalizing the player state seamless travel
As you may remember, the event that we broadcast is listened by the AMTD_GameMode
only if we’re spawning a seamlessly
travelling PC
. When it’s broadcast we call the
void AMTD_GameMode::OnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferred_OnSeamlessTravel(AMTD_PlayerController* PlayerController, AMTD_PlayerState* PlayerState)
, which looks the following:
void AMTD_GameMode::OnPlayerStateSpawnedDeferred_OnSeamlessTravel(AMTD_PlayerController* PlayerController, AMTD_PlayerState* PlayerState)
auto* OldController = CastChecked<AMTD_PlayerController>(*SeamlesslyTravellingController);
auto* NewController = CastChecked<AMTD_PlayerController>(PlayerController);
SwapPlayerControllers(OldController, NewController);
*SeamlesslyTravellingController = NewController;
That’s the final puzzle to the problem! Here we finish the SeamlessTravel
calls and swap the PC
s. In the original
implementation that’s done after the AGameModeBase::SpawnPlayerControllerCommon()
call, while we do that
inside! That’s how the two methods look like:
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelTo_PlayerStateDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* NewPlayerController)
// Empty
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelFrom_PlayerStateDeferred(AMTD_PlayerController* OldPlayerController)
if (OldPlayerController->PlayerState)
// Copy persistent player state data
OldPlayerController->PlayerState->SeamlessTravelTo(PlayerState); // Calls CopyProperties()
// Remove old player state
OldPlayerController->PlayerState = nullptr;
After all that logic took place (PC
and PS
creation, as well as the seamless initialization) we’ll finish the
execution inside the AMTD_GameMode::HandleSeamlessTravelPlayer()
, and carry on
initializing other player controllers that are following our seamless travel.
New pseudo stack trace
With all of that out of the way let’s take a look at the new pseudo stack trace in case of any player (i.e. the calls are the same for server and clients):
AModularPlayerController::PreInitializeComponents() -> UGameFrameworkComponentManager::AddGameFrameworkComponentReceiver()
// Possible PC game features creation!
APlayerState::PreInitializeComponents() -> UGameFrameworkComponentManager::AddGameFrameworkComponentReceiver()
// Possible PS game features creation!
Tip for original seamless travel functions
To make sure that the original SeamlessTravel
functions are not called accidentally by something you can
override them the following way:
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelFrom(APlayerController* OldPlayerController)
// SeamlesTravelFrom_Player[Controller, State]Deferred must be used instead
void AMTD_PlayerController::SeamlessTravelTo(APlayerController* NewPlayerController)
// SeamlesTravelTo_Player[Controller, State]Deferred must be used instead
This will trigger an assert
anytime they’re called, and notify the user that something is wrong.
Closing thoughts
For the case I’ve described the PC
custom SeamlessTravel
functions were enough, however there are other cases I
haven’t talked about that may require the same seamless initialization on PS
, i.e. when you save the data on
rather than PC
. That’s why this covers both PC
and PS
custom data transition for seamless travelling.
With these custom methods it’s pretty easy to pass your data before any game feature can even be dispatched on your
or PC
. Hopefully it’ll save you a lot of time and headache!